Frammenti di Luminarie

The “Frammenti di Luminarie” exhibition explored the culture behind Luminarie (aka Parazioni). These illuminated temporary structures are common in the Italian region of Puglia. A number of site-specific installations investigated how this tradition developed over time. How are these structures assembled, what kind of techniques have the builders developed over time and what tools did they use?

The story of these ephemeral apparatus (temporary structures) is routed in local traditions. In ancient times the building process was often experienced by the whole community. And so the culture was shaped by the skills and experiences of its builders. 

Frammenti 01

On the floor of the San Francesco della Scarpa church, a configuration of illuminated elements emphasise how the structures are often constructed out of recurrent style figures. On some of the surrounding altars projections are shown; they touch upon the numerous changes the culture went through; the technicalities and some of the traditions.

Frammenti 02

In a second part of the church the supporting infrastructure is highlighted; the large poles that form the basis of the structure, the iron wiring with which the structures is held up, the enormous stairs that are used to put the lamps in place and the electrical cabling that make it possible to light the whole thing up. 

Frammenti 03

In a third space one of the ancient stories surrounding the origine if this tradition is highlighted. In festive times people would light up the street with candles that were made out of cactus leaves, clams and olive oil.


Frammenti di Luminarie is an installation curated by Collective Works (Peter Zuiderwijk) in collaboration with Fratelli Parisi for atFest - International Festival of Digital Arts and New Technologies in Lecce Italy.
Special thanks to Nicola Baglivi, Massimo Mugellini and Alessandra Pomarico